Horst Ademeit
2590, 1996
11 x 9 cm
Inscribed Polaroid
Unique work
Horst Ademeit dedicated himself to the documentation of the harmful influence of cold rays and invisible radiation on his being and his environment. Using Polaroid photography as well as analogue and digital photography, he kept records of his daily observations, also documenting descriptively the smells, sounds, and the atmosphere of his observations on the white frame of the Polaroids. The necessity of recording and the conclusive logic of his system required a routine that determined the structure of each day. Ademeit’s Daily Photos are arrangements with a fixed set of components: the newspaper Bild Zeitung, measuring instruments and a compass. Spread across loud B.Z. headlines are Geiger counters, thermometers and light meters, which he used to calculate the harmful effects inflicted by cold rays. Spanning over 40 years, Ademeit’s practice was consumed by the desire to document and describe an enveloping invisible presence. Horst Ademeits (b. 1937, Cologne; d. 2010, Düsseldorf)has held solo exhibitions at: Hamburger Bahnhof, Berlin (2011) and White Colums, New York (2010). His works have been exhibited at the Biennale São Paulo (2012); as well as the Art Institute Chicago (2017); Malmö Konsthall and Künstlerhaus Stuttgart (both 2019). His estate is represented by Delmes & Zander.