Martin Pfeifle

Form, 2018

29 x 42 x 0.5 cm

Galvanized steel
Ed. 3 + 2 AP, signed

‘Form’ can be seen as both a frame and an object. It can lie on the floor, hang on a nail or be leant against the wall. Cut from  galvanized steel, its weight and material give the work a noticeable physicality. Martin Pfeifle’s (b. 1975 Stuttgart) public artworks include commissions for Kunsthaus NRW, Aachen (2016); Prüger Park, Bratislava (2016); Leopold-Hoesch-Museum, Düren (2014) and Artzuid International Sculpture Exhibition, Amsterdam (2013). He held solo exhibitions at the Museum of Concrete Art Ingolstadt (2014). Pfeifle lives and works in Düsseldorf.

Martin Pfeifle, Form, 2018

Martin Pfeifle, Form, 2018