Johannes Wohnseifer

Advanced Analytics, 2017

40 x 30 cm

Acrylic, pigment, Scotchlite, laser engraving on canvas

Unique, signed and dated

1,200 €

In Johannes Wohnseifer's work, references to business, design and pop culture intermingle. By detaching phenomena and terms typical of the time from their original contexts, Wohnseifer reflects on their logics and semantics. Following the tradition of conceptual art, 'Advanced Analytics' reflects the autonomy of the medium of painting with a term from the language of business, which denotes strategies for predicting future events and the behaviour of business processes. Johannes Wohnseifer (b. 1967, Cologne) has had solo and group exhibitions at the following institutions: Boros Collection (2017); Marta Herford Museum (2016); Kunsthalle Wien (2015); Kölnischer Kunstverein (2014); Museum Folkwang, Essen and Museum Morsbroich, Leverkusen (2013). He lives and works in Cologne.

Johannes Wohnseifer, Advanced Analytics, 2017

Johannes Wohnseifer, Advanced Analytics, 2017